Who is a spouse under the tax laws, and why does it matter?
While Australia doesn't have a joint filling option for married couples, there are some aspects of your individual income tax assessment that depends on your spouse's income. Read
Riding the market waves
Don't let the share market volatility get you off course with your superannuation investment strategy. Read
Take care if you sell your home after leaving Australia!
If you have lived in Australia for many years and bought yourself a home here but decide to leave and go and live elsewhere, and you wish to sell your home, you should do so before you leave Australia. Read
Separation and divorce, CGT consequences... and relief
With apparently at least one in three marriages ending in divorce - and with countless defacto relationships breaking down - the capital gains tax (CGT) roll-over provisions for "marriage and relationship breakdowns" has assumed increasing relevance. Read
Setting up an SMSF: Who can join the fund?
A question that often gets asked is who can set up an SMSF together. Find out the
"Debt recycling"...flavour of the month
It seems that "debt recycling" is the favour of the month among financial advisors (and some financial institutions too). And if you do a Google search of the term you find that it is being quite heavily marketed. Read
you may have received an email like the one below from the tax office
The Tax Office is pushing on with its move towards eliminating communications via the Post. If you lodge any activity statement or related document electronically, whether via us as your tax agent or using the Business Portal then the Tax Office will work on the basis that all future communications related to BASs, IASs, PAYG instalment notices, etc. will be via electronic means. The same result will occur if you link your myGov account to the Tax Office.
If you expect to receive a quarterly BAS/IAS/PAYGI notice and you haven't by two weeks before it is due for lodgement/payment please contact us to confirm your contact details with the Tax Office or to organise the restoration of supply of hard copy statements via the Post.
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